
Monday, January 27, 2014

3 Favorite Five--Pt. 2

My Three Favorite 5 Letter Words on my iPad Screen

About a week ago a reader bought to my attention that I still have yet to finish giving the remaining two of my favorite five letter words (Thank you, by the way, you know who you are). I initially wrote this particular entry on August 26th of last year, so allow me to briefly recap before I continue, just in case you've recently joined our blog. The first favorite 5-letter word I listed was "today," and for me, it basically represents keeping in perspective the current moment, or living in the present rather than what happened in the past, or what needs to be done in the future. And now for my second word: "learn."

The word "learn" is very interesting to me. For example, I particularly like how, within itself, there are two specific words that appear: "earn" and "ear." Further explained, when I'm faced with a challenge, the word "learn" reminds me that it isn't a coincidence that in order to earn more you have to learn more, and in order to learn more, one thing you must do is use your ears. It's also my favorite because the act of learning is never ending.  The opportunity to learn is everywhere, whether it be going to school, or engaging in dialogue, or simply by observation of someone or something. No matter where you are or what you're doing, there is always something that can be learned.  It's just a matter of opening your mind enough to receive new information. So I must ask you--what words keep you inspired??

Monday, January 20, 2014

REMIX! (You don't have to be original to do something great)

I used to think that in order to be creative you had to be original. But as I get older I've discovered that it couldn't be further from the truth. Originality and creativity are two completely different things. People are constantly modifying existing products every day. How many different ways can you make a vacuum or a blender? 

SPR Blog: You don't have to be original to do something great
The same goes for professions, especially the music business. The list of artists and producers who've made a hit from sampling another's grows with each passing day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not implying that creating your success based off riding the coattails of others is the way to go, because it's definitely not. It never pays to try and be like someone else. But I am saying that you can be inspired by someone or something and from that, include what makes you unique, whether it be your size, your style, your culture, your background, your thoughts or your vision. Chances are you'll reach many people who appeal to your creativity simply by modifying an existing idea. After all, you don't have to reinvent the wheel to sell a new car, do you?

Monday, January 13, 2014

Managing What You Make

We, as a society, place a lot of emphasis on making things--making products, making changes, and I'd like to think everyone's favorite, making money. But on the contrary, very little emphasis is placed on managing these things once they're made, which, in my opinion, is just as important, if not more.

There are countless success stories about people reaching the top, only to fall off because they failed to manage the heights and responsibilities that came with it. A musician can make a song, but how they manage that song to guide it to become a successful hit is a completely different task in itself. I tend to refer to this concept often when I consider creating something. What will I do with it after? When it's money I want to make, what will my next step be once I have it?  If it's a product or an idea I've got in mind, what will my plan of action be once it's complete?

So with that said, I'll leave you with a saying my Pops once said to me: "Son, everything you make has to be managed and how you manage it, is what makes the difference."

Monday, January 6, 2014

One Day At A Time

Last August, when I first contemplated writing a blog, I told myself that it would only be for a year. On that very first entry I wrote about how much I loathed writing, and that I couldn't imagine having something to "say" for 52 consecutive weeks. Before long I was reminded that all journeys begin with a first step and that staying focused on what was right in front of me instead of all around me and beyond would help me succeed. I also began to pay more attention to my daily activities in general, and to take copious notes when I found myself in situations that I thought had important lessons or helpful information that I felt would be worthwhile to pass along.

SPR Blog How to accomplish any goal

For me, 52 topics to think of is a big task in itself, but keeping my focus on one week at a time has, so far, been rather manageable and enjoyable. I'm far from reaching my goal of 52 entries, as I still have 30 weeks remaining, but like they say "a yard is hard, but an inch by inch is a cinch." What's your first inch going to be?