
Monday, October 28, 2013

Finish What You Start

There is a lot to be said about a person who can finish what they start. Many of people can prepare and even get started but when it comes to crossing the finish line, that's a completely different story. In fact, the ability to follow through and persevere is what separates the "live from the jive." 

Giving up is such an easy thing to do especially with the millions of excuses that we've all used at one time or another--your schedule is too busy, you're "too broke", you have to to take care of your family, or even plain ol' bad luck. Whatever the reason is, don't allow giving up to be an option. 

Completing a project of any kind brings you one step closer to the legacy you will leave behind. Because just like all the great finished projects out there, one day ours live will be finished, so make sure you see your masterpiece to the end, whatever that may be. As for me, my projects are still a work in progress, but I know I will finish them the same way that I'm going to finish this post. 

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