Hey there! Happy 4th of July! Independence Day is one our favorite holidays at SPR. Not just because of the fireworks & barbecue (which are always cool) but because of what the day represents--the ability to break away from the control of others, to pursue your own freedom and to blaze your own trail, and we'd like to think of SmartPhoneRecords in the same way.
With that said, our relaunch later this summer will create a shockwave throughout the music industry. Our goal is to make SPR a platform truly designed for all artists around the globe. If you would like your music to be part of our launch please press here to upload your tracks for free. You can also log on to our featured page on PreApps to become a beta tester before the launch. Progress is impossible without change and SPR is the very change the industry has been waiting for. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
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