Symbols are amazing, and a part of our everyday lives so much that I think we often overlook the important messages they sometimes can represent.
Over the weekend I saw the yin yang symbol coming home from a family function. I've seen it a million times but on this day, for some reason it spoke loudly. Perhaps because I was a bit reluctant to go on the family trip when I first heard about it. It's not that I don't like to hang out with my family, but the workaholic in me kicked in and thought about all of the work that I would have to put off just to attend.

Needless to say, after going on the trip, I was glad I decided to go. On top of that, it gave me an opportunity to see how functional my business is outside the comforts of home, as well as indulge in spending time with loved ones that I rarely get to see.
Seeing that symbol was a reminder for me that balance is key, yet that very symbol may not represent the same thing to the next person. That's why I find them fascinating, because symbols themselves become powerful when they merge with meaning, but still give us the freedom to decide for ourselves what they each represent.
Symbols are everywhere. What will the next one say to you?
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