Opportunities are all around us. In fact, I believe we have just as much opportunity as the air we breath. One of life's biggest challenges though, is trying to figure out which opportunities to embrace and which ones to ignore. Allow me...
With so many products and new innovations available today, one would think that everyone on Earth is living the "good life". But here's the often overlooked part about opportunity--it works both ways.
Some opportunities we pass up because we perceive it as too much hard work, or because we fear disappoint or rejection. Perhaps you were told 'no' about something that matters a great deal to you. You can look at this one of two ways: an opportunity to quit or an opportunity to try again. As most of us already know, opportunity doesn't always come knocking. So instead of sitting around waiting, why not take action by knocking on opportunity's door? The fact is, if you don't, someone will. So why not? The only thing you have to lose is an opportunity to make it happen.