Be one of the first artists on the new SPR app. Upload your music now!
Beginning today, artists can now upload their music into the new SPR system via our website. Because we are in the process of trying to rebuild our record store, the SmartPhoneRecords app is currently not available in the app store, but this is not a bad thing! We want to give your future followers and listeners a wide variety of music to stream and contribute to when the app launches, so now is the time to customize your music and personal profile just the way you want it.
For details on what the new SPR app features and what it will look like, click here
For details on what the new SPR app features and what it will look like, click here
And for artists with existing accounts, don't worry, we've got you covered. In the new V.2 system, we've made it even easier to sign in just by using your Facebook and Twitter accounts. More importantly, our mobile app is launching this summer and will have hi-fidelity audio capability, another feature our first version didn't provide. For this reason, we are asking all artists to resubmit their music (and add new tracks) via the website today and be a part of this new hi-fidelity platform experience . As for any sales you've already made, these will be transferred to your account as well, as we want this transition to our incredibly new and exciting mobile app process to go as smoothly as possible.
One important note: because we have just launched this new campaign within the last 24 hours, there may be some glitches that we are unaware of, and this is where we could use your help. If at any time you are experiencing difficulty uploading your music or accessing the website, please shoot our team an email ASAP. We want to know about it! This process is as new for us as it is for you and we want to ensure we get it right. Our team is standing by ready to assist you so please let us know how we can help at: