After posting my last entry, I had a few lingering thoughts that I felt I should've included, because I do realize that it's not enough to suggest to just get started without knowing what to do first.
One of the philosophies that's been a staple in my life is to begin with the end in mind. I'm sure that may sound a little backwards. But, just like building a house, you have to first draft a blueprint before the foundation is set. Likewise, in order to create the blueprint, you have to have a vision of what you want the house to look like. The clearer the vision the more likely you are to obtain it. Vision, however, requires more than sight itself. It requires an imagination. Its similar to planning a road trip. First you need a destination. From there, you plan accordingly. You need vision, or an imagination to prepare yourself and anticipate things you will need along the way in order to get there.
I really find this idea helpful in all aspects of my life. It helps to start my day with a clear picture of what I want to accomplish by its end. If I reach my goal then I consider it a successful day. The idea is that doing this day after day will eventually lead to long term success.
So once you get your dream established, begin with the end in mind. What do you want your finished product to look like? What do you want to accomplish by the end of the day? Don't forget to draw out your blueprint. With a little gumption and dedication, you'll be on your way to turning your vision into a reality in no time.